Self Managed
Super Fund - SMSF
Having a self managed super fund can feel empowering as it puts you in charge of your own financial future.
Need help with your SMSF?
Or perhaps, you have an established SMSF and require accounting and auditing services? Whatever advice you’re looking for, we can help you.
Be in control
You are in control of how your superannuation contributions are invested, and having greater involvement in your retirement savings will give you a deeper understanding of how your nest egg is growing and how financially free you’ll be in retirement. A SMSF can give you more confidence in how you live today and invest for tomorrow.

SMSF Benefits
Putting your contributions into your SMSF opens the door to a variety of other exclusive benefits; Including a wide range of investment choices, tax benefits, buying residential and commercial real estate – just to name a few.
How can we help?
Before setting up a SMSF it’s important to understand that managing your own super is no picnic. It can be very time consuming and hard work. There are set up and management costs to consider, and risks to be aware of such as:
- Lack of statutory compensation
- Impact on insurance
- Not selecting the most appropriate SMSF structure
- The need to consider an exit strategy

If you have an established self managed super fund
We know it can be a nightmare to keep on top of your books and an audit can become a very stressful and daunting experience. We can help you get on top of it and get organised so you’re feeling calm and confident during the auditing process.